Sport fishing

The facilities are equipped with rods and bait and permits are issued only at the hut at the Lake. To exercise sport fishing at the lake, you do not need to be in possession of the license or regional card. You can fish every day from 30/06 to 02/09 from 9.00 to 18.00.

Prezzo: € 15.00 (5 trote)

For information, licensing and permits: on-site or by calling 339.6202858


Areas open to fishing

  • River Piave from the “Baita dei Pastori” to the waterfall before the first former mill converted into a dwelling in the town of Sappada
  • River Piave, from the weir in front of the Sappada Stadium to the Orrido dell’Acquatona


  • The stretch of the River Piave between the waterfall upstream of the first old mill converted into a house to the beginning of Val Sesis and weir in front of the sports ground

For information, licensing and permits visit the website of Ente Tutela Pesca del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Sport fishing

Laghetto Ziegelhutte / Seap Ziegehutte, Sappada BL, Italia

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Today, Monday 09 September 2024

Hour Weather Temp.
00:00 Pioggia 16.2°
03:00 Pioggia 15.8°
06:00 Temporale 15.5°
09:00 Pioggia 14.6°
12:00 Pioggia e schiarite 15.2°
15:00 Poco nuvoloso 15.7°
18:00 Sereno 10.3°
21:00 Sereno 8.5°
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