Refuges in Val Sesis

Piani del Cristo

  • Tel. +39 0435 469357
  • Cel. +39 333 3687599

Restaurant: 40 indoor seats and 20 outdoor seats
Beds: 8
Access: by car (Val Sesis) or on foot from Borgata Puiche
1.30 hours

Baita Rododendro

Restaurant: 70 indoor seats and 60 outdoor seats
Access: by car (Val Sesis) or on foot by Borgata Puiche
1,45 hours

Sorgenti del Piave

Restaurant: 80 seats
Beds: 14
Access: by car or on foot along the Piave nature trail starting from Cima Sappada along the Val Sesis 2.30 hours – disl. 520 mt

Pier Fortunato Calvi

Restaurant: 60 seats
Beds: 52
Access: on foot, starting from Sorgenti del Piave
1 hour- difference in height 350 mt

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Today, Monday 09 September 2024

Hour Weather Temp.
00:00 Pioggia 15.7°
03:00 Pioggia 15.3°
06:00 Pioggia 15.3°
09:00 Temporale 15.6°
12:00 Pioggia e schiarite 15.3°
15:00 Nubi sparse 16.4°
18:00 Poco nuvoloso 11.0°
21:00 Sereno 9.1°
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